On May 10, 2011, Intervision Pictures Corp. in association with Severin Films will release a special edition DVD of the eighties shot-on-video slasher SLEDGEHAMMER
- 4:3 fullscreen (original aspect ratio) transfer
- English Dolby Digital 2.0 mono audio
- Audio Commentary with director David A. Prior
- Audio Commentary with Bleeding Skull creators Joseph A. Ziemba and Dan Budnik
- "Hammertime" featurette with Destroy All Movies! author Zack Carlson
- "SledgehammerLand" featurette with Cinefamily programmers Hadrian Belove and Tom Fitzgerald
- Interview with director David A. Prior
More "Intervision Pictures Corp." titles at my Amazon aStore.
Great review over at Beaver Eric... Normally when I read a review with "strangely dream-like at times" my interest is imediately stirred, but looking at the screenshots I just can't get passed that video texture...