The lives of several Mexican citizens converge in three kidnappings over a period of eight years and three successive soccer World Cups in the award-winning DAYS OF GRACE. A cop investigating the kidnapping of a TV star becomes disillusioned by widespread departmental corruption, an abduction victim tries to win the trust and sympathy of his reluctant young guard, and a housewife takes it upon herself to ensure her husband's release when the police and his business cannot come through.
REVIEW: Cinema Libre (US) Region A Blu-ray (DVDCompare)
DAYS OF GRACE Blu-ray specs:
- 1080p24 MPEG-4 AVC multiple aspect ratio (1.85:1, 2.4:1, and 3:1) widescreen
- Spanish Dolby Digital 5.0 and 2.0 stereo
- Burnt-in English subtitles
- Optional English captions
- Featurettes:
- "The Visual Aesthetic"
- "Creating the Scores"
- "Pre-Production Process"
- "Making Music"
- Photo Gallery
- Theatrical Trailer
- Previews
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